My Art Collection

Over the last 17 years, since I am using digital cameras, I have produced many images but only few I consider as Art. Well, Art is something very individual. To me it´s an expression of your own taste, it´s emotions, memories and storytelling. It´s never a surprise shot. To me, there must be feelings and thoughts that compose the image. The first images are from 2008 the last ones from 3 weeks ago. I also noticed that my style of taking images and my taste of what I shoot has been changing extremely. What I consider as a red line in my photography over the years, is the expectation to myself that I can set up my tool (cameras or even my iPhone today) in a way that I can produce a picture that does not need photoshop to be the picture I want.

The images are sorted from “old” to new. Please make up your own mind and if you are kind, please share your opinion with me.

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