The new 7Artisans Vision Series cine lenses are so wonderfully wide open at T1.05 that most people will use it to generate outstanding bokeh even on a APSC size sensor.
My test today, better said last night, has been the capabilities to shoot images at very low light out of the hand where you typically use a robust tripod to produce decent pictures. Next to the open aperture of T1.05 the higher weight of the cine lens is helping to hold it steady at lower shutter speed settings like most of the pictures below are produced at T1.05, ISO 6400 and 1/10s to 1/30s.
To me are the results quite well and with most other lenses and without IBIS it would not have been possible to gain the same results. The level of details this lens is reproducing in combination with the Fujifilm X-PRO3 is impressive even at T1.05 and ISO 6400.
But like always please make up your own mind.