The NEW Firefly 7Artisans 25mm f0.95 is finally available in the 7Artisans shop https://official-7artisans-store.myshopify.com/products/25mm-f0-95?ref=b33konjo29&variant=40379651719376
To me this Firefly series lens is optical and mechanical the best APSC lens ever made by 7Artisans a must in every enthusiast Fujifilm X Photographer camera bag.
Some sample pictures made with the Firefly 7Artisans 25mm f0.95
Here a list of tests and review articles for this lens
Street & Portrait samples the new 7Artisans 25mm f0.95 lens
The NEW 7Artisans 25mm f0.95 test with lens hood
Harbor Neuss explored with 7Artisans 25mm f0.95 on Fujifilm X-PRO3 Black
Wide open Night Street Photography with the Firefly 7Artisans 25mm f0.95 Tiger & Turtle – Magic Mountain captured with the NEW Firefly 7Artisans 25mm f0.95
This thing is loooong.
Well optical corrected that makes this lens long. But I can tell you it is lying very well in the hand on the camera. It´s fun to shoot with and the large focus ring is easy to handle.