The NEW TTArtisan 25mm f2 lens is a very well build and nicely compact lens with a perfect image angle for most street, travel, nature and landscape photography situations.
You can read in detail my thoughts about the haptic and quality of the lens over here: The NEW TTArtisan 25mm f2 pancake lens
Most of the time I am using prime lenses with a minimum opening of f1.4, f1.2 or even f0.95. I enjoy the wonderful bokeh those lenses are producing. When I got this new lens from TTArtisan with an opening f2, which is a f3 field of depth on full frame cameras, I was thinking forget any decent bokeh on pictures with this lens. This lens will be good to take images with good sharpness as needed for street photography, nothing else.
is this true? This lens has such a great chance to become my next preferred always on lens, just by being that compact light weight and great haptic. I need to test this lens wide open. I need an answer to the question how soft is the IQ wide open, what’s about chromatic abberations.
I shot two pictures during a visit at a Pizzeria and I made some images in my garden reflecting the tristesse of the winter blues. All pictures, accept one, which is made with f2.8, are made wide open at f2. The images are sharp, very little chromatic aberrations and what really impresses me a is the smooth bokeh this lens is producing. Even the image with f2.8 aperture is surprisingly showing a decent bokeh.
Yes, this lens has for me the full potential to become my next always on lens. I am looking forward to my 2023 up coming business trip to the US or Brazil or Mexico or China to use my free time and explore country and people with my Fujifilm X-PRO3 Black and this TTArtisan 25mm f2 on.
Please share your thoughts with me when you have a close look to my images.

Thank you for doing this wide open test.
Thanks for sharing your experience with this interesting lens!
I was looking for a cheap and lightweight lens for MFT (Olympus) and came across this TTArtisan f2 Pancake while researching.
Your pictures have a very nice atmosphere, especially the picture of the “cucina” restaurant. I have the impression that the lens makes the pictures a bit soft, which looks very nice in some cases, but in the macros of the leaves I miss a bit the sharpness, or is it because of the processing of the pictures to publish them on the internet?
(Sorry for my English, I’m from Germany).
I agree with your findigs.
The lens is, in comparison to the price a real gem, sharp, only light distorsion and CA.
Highly to recommend for fuji systems and the ideal lens for street photography
I have the TTArtisan 50mm f1.2 on an X-E2. Using B&W, Yellow, Red Focus Peaking set Low and you are careful focusing at F1.2, I am simply amazed. Not a light lens, but man for the $$, cant be beat. I have the 35mm f1.4 and it is really good at 1.4. I will be buy ing the 25mm f2 due to its FL and length. Not fond of the style or look of the 35mm f1.4.