After some very cold and wet days, the typical days where even our Labrador Lissy does not want to leave the house, the clouds cleared up for some sun beams hitting Düsseldorf the most beautiful city at the river Rhine. I grabbed my camera and went for a walk around the Altstadt (historical city center with a lot of breweries and pubs).
I did something crazy, I used an original Fujinon FX 35mm f2 WR lens on my Fujifilm X-PRO3 Black. To top this I used also auto focus. Believe it or not it’s at least 6 month ago I used one of my Fujinon lenses and shot with auto focus. We all know of the high IQ of the Fujinon lenses and the Fujicrons in combination with the X-PRO3 are focusing very precise and fast. It took me a moment to get used not to turn the focus ring but than I relaxed and made some nice SOOC images.
Enjoy my Sunday walk and let me know if you share my believe that Düsseldorf is beautiful.